World Water Day Exhibition established at EUL

22 March World Water Day is celebrated worldwide with awareness raising and informative activities
Under the framework of the awareness educations organized with the cooperation of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Communication Sciences Department of Visual Communication Design and International Council of University Search and Rescue, an exhibition titled World Water Day Exhibition is established at the EUL Faculty of Communication Sciences.
Işıkören: EUL is participating in this series of events for the last three years to raise awareness through visual communication.
Giving information about the exhibition, Academician of Communication Sciences Faculty Assist. Prof. Dr. Derin Işıkören said that 22 March World Water Day is celebrated worldwide with awareness raising and informative activities. Işıkören said that considering the fact that underground and surface water resources are rapidly polluting and decreasing, these events are very important in terms of explaining the problem to the younger generations. Işıkören also said that “Our University is participating in this series of events for the last three years to raise awareness through visual communication”.
Işıkören: We offer a series of banners to the attention of the viewers, emphasizing the importance of water and drought.
Pointing out that many topics are better understood as a visual message because of the media environment in which the young generation grow, Işıkören said that “For this reason, We offer a series of banners to the attention of the viewers, emphasizing the importance of water and drought as of 2019 World Water Day. The studies were carried out by 2nd and 3rd grade students in Visual Communication Design and Graphic Design. We congratulate them for their research and efforts”.