Workshops under “Resist Against Violence” hosted by European University of Lefke was organized

Different aspects of domestic violence were addressed
Four workshops under “Resist Against Violence” hosted by European University of Lefke (EUL) was organized together with the Turkish Cypriot Bar Association and Association of Women to Support Lliving (KAYAD), were realized.
In the workshop titled “Legal Measures in Domestic Violence Struggle”, Perihan Ozeli and Volunteer Lawyer Project Coordinator Mine Atlı of the Mor Çatı Women’s Shelter Foundation, determined the types of violence correctly and that related domestic violence resistance women could develop and benefit to protect themselves and their families Gave information about mechanisms. Emphasizing on the persistent pursuit of digital violence from the new types of violence that emerged with the developing technology, Meşeli and Atlı emphasized the problems that followed in the investigation and prosecution of sexual violence cases, insistently creating fear and helplessness.
The volunteer lawyer of Mor Çatı Women Shelter Foundation Hazal Günel emphasized in her workshop entitled “Safe Relationship and Flirt Violence” described the flirt violence as sexual, psychological, social and digital violence against a lover, targeting to show dominance over, control over, and show off the power of violence. Günsel also explained the physical, sexual, psychological, social and digital flirt types and stressed that one shall always observe and examine the utterances and behaviors of the partner and further detailed the steps to be taken as measures in case of unsafe modes.
Zekiye Otçuoğlu, the psychological counselor of the project “Resist Against Violence” gave detailed information about the power and control instruments applied to the woman in the woman-man relationships in the workshop on “Domestic Violence in the Power and Control Axis” and listed these instruments as forced and threatening, intimidating, economic and emotional abuse, relinquishing, male supremacy and use of children, underestimation, refusal and blame.
Zerrin Akıncı during her workshop entitled “Making Domestic Violence Visible” stated that the “step up campaign” was launched throughout Europe in May last year and stated that the participants were informed about this issue and wanted a campaign to see what could further be may done. Akıncı stated that the campaigns prepared by the participants in the scope of the workshops offered to each other and that KAYAD was the only non-governmental organization in the TRNC who is a member of the “Violence Network Against Women” in Europe. Due to the lack of shelter and support rights in the TRNC, Akıncı also reported information on step-up campaigns initiated with the aim of creating awareness.