Works produced in EUL Architecture workshops were exhibited

The works produced by the students in the workshops within the scope of the Basic Design-I course of the Faculty of Architecture of the European University of Lefke (EUL) were exhibited in the hall of the Faculty of Architecture. Exhibition carried out by Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Feriha Urfalı Doğu and Research Assistant Ezgi Şaker.
2D and 3D student works were included in the exhibition.
Informing that the first foundations of the basic design course were laid in the Bauhaus School, founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar in Germany in 1919, Urfalı said that the basic design course revealed the relationship between design principles and elements, and that the exhibition organized in this direction would give new students ideas. He stated that it is important, that 2D and 3D student works are included in the exhibition.
Urfalı stated that the first part of the exhibition consists of two-dimensional works that include basic design principles, and that there are shelter and architectural space projects that reflect the space-form relationship in the continuation of the exhibition.
Urfalı shared the following information about the basic design course; It is the student’s perception of basic concepts, increasing visual perception and gaining a certain sensitivity in understanding spatial relationships, and most importantly, being able to visualize the images formed in his mind. In this context, the creative process, which starts with design elements such as point, line, direction, form, value, texture, color, continues with basic design principles such as repetition, rhythm, harmony, contrast, dominance, balance and unity. The design process, which started with sketches, continues first with two-dimensional works and then with the space-form relationship in three dimensions.