Virtual hearing event held at EUL

A ‘virtual hearing’ event was held on the subject of “Cancellation of Land Registry and Registration Due to the Contract to Care Until You Die” by European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Law third year students, under the leadership of event consultant Prof. Dr. Cumhur Rüzgaresen.
Making the opening speech, Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Nuri Erisgin thanked the students who participated in the virtual hearing and took charge. Prof. Dr. Nuri Erişgin concluded his speech by saying a quote from an author, seeking answers to the questions of whether it is preventive law, conflict resolution law, and the importance of the second virtual hearing event held in our faculty.”I read a book, my life has changed, I saw an event with you, my life has changed,” and wishing success to our students.
Speaking on behalf of the students who took part in the hearing, Furkan Bahat Bıçakcı said, “The subject of our case is the annulment of dispositions related to death. In our case, we committed a dispute arising from the contract of care until death,” he said. While preparing our event, we attended the hearings, examined the files, researched the Supreme Court decisions, and read the articles. Bicakci said, “We were excited like a lawyer, a judge, a party during the preparation process and we understood their problems,” and the names involved in the project are judge Halime Demir, plaintiff’s lawyer Gizem Çan, plaintiff Mehmet Oğuzhan Tatar, other plaintiff Merve Karakuş and last plaintiff Bilal Güner, plaintiff’s witness. Büşra Uzun said that the other plaintiff’s witness, Hatice Kübra Tutar, was the defendant’s attorney, Ozan Çakmak.
The event, which was shown as a representation of a heritage agreement, attracted great attention. The students performing the show were successful in their roles related to the positions they would encounter in real life. It was surprising that the students who played the role of a judge, a plaintiff and a defendant’s lawyer in the sense of a real-life event, assisting the students with the role of bailiff, the plaintiff and the defendant, also acted as reflecting the reality.