Verbal Notifications of EUL Academicians chosen as “Good Examples of Education”

Joint research of Head of European University of Lefke Department of Guidance and Psychological Consulting Pof. Dr. Nergüz Bulut Serin and Academician of Special Education Teaching Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Gül Kahveci has been chosen as “Good Examples of Education”.
Verbal notification of Academicians of Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education titled “Behavioral Consultation in Early Childhood Education” ranked among the first 25 in the 17th International Classroom Teaching Education Symposium which included the presentations of nearly 850 notifications.
Serin: When improper behaviors that starts in preschool period cannot be intervened, it is possible to witness heavy results over time
Giving information about their joint study with Kahveci, Serin said that, in the research which included “Behavioral Consultation in Early Childhood Education” intervention, the potential of witnessing heavier results over time when the compulsive, aggressive and incompatible behaviors that starts in the preschool period are not intervened was handled as the problem of the study. Serin said that “At this point, with early and continuous interventions, it is possible to acquire pre-social skills that support adaptation to the home and school settings in children who have behavioral problems”. Serin pointed out that, starting the behavioral consultancy processes is a pre-necessity both in the creation of intervention practices and in ensuring that team members, such as parents and teachers with shared responsibility, can intervene in a coordinated and coherent manner.
Serin: Interventions carried on in the process of behavioral consultation aims to reduce the existing problematic behaviors
Serin said that “Interventions carried on in the process of behavioral consultation have proactive structure that aims to reduce the existing problematic behaviors and to resolve them before they occur”. Serin also expressed that behavioral consultation is a service delivery model that is grounded on triple relationship of school psychology / special education teacher, classroom teacher and student.
The study aims to bring in pre-social skills
Serin pointed out that the research was a pilot study which had a content that aimed to reduce inadequate behaviors of 2 preschool students’, providing pre-social skills at the same time. Serin finally said that “In the study which was revealed as single subject research model; the researcher points out the increased use of pre-social skills as well as diminished behavioral problems as a result of intervention by the teacher and the family, after the evaluation and observation. The study also shows the importance of behavioral consultation practices in preventive early intervention processes”.