Universities’ tendency to be entrepreneurial universities were investigated in Turkey

Dean of the European University of Lefke (EUL), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Harun Şeşen and EUL Banking and Finance Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derviş Kırıkkaleli prepared their work in collaboration with Sema Yılmaz Genç (Kocaeli University), Rui Alexandre Castanho (WSB University, Poland) and Semih Soran (Özyegin University); Turkey entrepreneurs from universities and best magazine concepts of sustainability issues field work was published in the field of Sustainability magazine.
“As it is known, universities today are one of the main determinants of technological change, innovation and social development. This situation creates new roles for universities and forces them to change. Many policy makers consider universities as “knowledge factories” of the new economy. Today, universities are considered as important tools for knowledge production as well as for regional economic and social life. Universities need creative methods and solutions to transfer the produced knowledge to the industry by going beyond the classical teaching methods of the past. ”Şeşen stated that entrepreneur universities are defined as universities that create beneficial products and new job opportunities for their society by using new resources as well as traditional education and research activities” he expressed. Stating that these sources include processes such as innovation, patents, R&D centers, research and cooperation with private companies, Şeşen said, “The increasing demands and pressures of important stakeholders such as the state, local administrations, students, parents and industrialists on universities force universities to create value for the society. ; These transformation efforts undoubtedly motivate Turkish universities to turn into entrepreneurial universities ”.
State universities, which are subject to research in Turkey, show serious intentions and efforts in entrepreneurial transformation at universities
Şeşen stated that the main goal of the research conducted by researcher colleagues, is to determine the college of entrepreneurial universities tend to be in Turkey and researchers with this study also stated that they aimed to investigate the strategic intention of the conversion to the university entrepreneurial university state in Turkey. “The first question for which an answer was sought in the study was” Are Turkish universities entrepreneurial universities? ” The answer that can be given within the framework of the keywords determined according to the results of the content analysis made within the published strategic plans of the universities is “no” yet. “The second question for which an answer was sought in the study was ‘Have entrepreneurs intending to become a university of universities in Turkey?’ shaped “said Şeşen that as a result of the findings of the study state universities, which are subject to research in Turkey, entrepreneurial universities that show serious intentions and efforts towards transformation, he said. Şeşen finally “research findings, especially as Turkey, universities, entrepreneurs in universities reveals important findings for countries trying to turn, makes recommendations for policy makers,” he said.