Two Soulful Social Awareness Projects from EUL Students

Visit to Nursing Home on Mother’s Day
European University of Lefke (EUL) Department of Public Relations and Advertising 4th grade students visited mothers living in Lapta Nursing Home on the occasion of Mother’s Day.
EUL students who were greeted with love, had the chance to present flowers and take care of mothers under the framework of visit. Within the tea time program which had a cozy environment, students offered the nurtures that they prepared to the residents of the nursing house and had a talk with them.
After the pleasant time that the residents of the Nursing home and students spent, residents pointed out that they had a lovely time and they agreed together to meet again.
“Present a Toy and Share Love”
Another project of Faculty of Communication Sciences Department of Public Relations and Advertising students was the social responsibility project named “Present a Toy and Share Love” which was conducted under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Esra Aydın Kılıç.
With the slogan of “Present a Toy and Share Love” the students delivered the toys that they bought with their own means and that they gathered with the donations of donators, to the S.O.S Children’s Village and presented an appreciated behavior.
S.O.S Children’s Village Public Relations and Found Development Manager Çise Özverel thanked the students of EUL Public Relations and Advertising Department for their sensitiveness, and said that the ones who are willing to make donation to the S.O.S Children’s Village can reach the list of requirements from or from 0392 225 70 17. Özverel also said that, the ones who are willing to make fitre donation (special form of Islamic donation), can write SOS and send SMS to 4120 in order to make 25TL donation to the S.O.S Children’s Village trough out the Ramadan Month.