“Two Leaders Chasing the National Cyprus Case Tirelessly” commemorated at EUL

European University of Lefke Faculty of Science and Literature and Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education organized a panel themed “Two Leaders Chasing the National Cyprus Case Tirelessly: Dr. Fazıl Küçük and Rauf Raif Denktaş”.
Head of Science and Arts Department Assoc. Prof. İhsan Tayhani was the moderator of the panel which took place at EUL Rauf Raif Denktaş Conference Hall. Former T.R.N.C Presidency Counsellor and Political Advisor of Rauf Raif Denktaş Ergün Olgun and journalist Akay Cemal attended the panel as speakers.
Dean of Arts and Sciences Faculty Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız who made the opening speech of the panel said that, “We are talking about two lives dedicated to society. So we have to consider them as two friends walking together, men of a case and a struggle”. Expressing his remarks with respect and mercy to the two leaders, Yıldız expressed his gratitude to the panelists who were close acquaintances of the two leaders, for the valuable information that they have offered.
Tayhani; Dentaş and Küçük Chased the National Cyprus Case Tirelessly.
Head of Science and Arts Department Assoc. Prof. İhsan Tayhani said that “Dr. Fazıl Küçük was 78 and Rauf Raif Denktaş was 88 years old when they passed away” and added that they have chased the national Cyprus Case tirelessly until the last days of their lives. Pointing out that Denktaş and Küçük have met on a common ground on the path of struggle, Tayhani said that they both wanted the unity of Turkish Cypriot society, they were both conscious and sincere Kemalists, and they were patriotic and men of case and struggle. Tayhani started the panel after emphasizing the fact that Turkish Cypriots owe to them the chance of living liberally.
Cemal; Political life of Denktaş started upon the invitation of Küçük.
Journalist Akay Cemal said that, “There are leaders who are forgotten in a short while and there are leaders who are always commemorated and who are the source of inspiration”. Cemal pointed out that Denktaş was only 24 years old when Küçük invited him to the scene of struggle and added that upon this invitation the political life of Denktaş started.
Cemal stated that Küçük had to fight in 5 different fronts and said that these fronts were against approaches that would diminish unity and solidarity which were religious and did not harmonize with principles of Atatürk, British Colony, ENOSIS, and added that there was also the struggle of attributing the Case of Cyprus to Turkey.
Olgun; Dentaş had a high intelligence and self-confidence
Former T.R.N.C Presidency Counsellor and Political Advisor of Rauf Raif Denktaş Ergün Olgun touched upon how he stated to work with Denktaş, and people, events and occasions that effected the personality and beliefs of Denktaş. Olgun also provided detailed information on the qualities, achievements and international impacts that he has to the participants. Olgun stated that Denktas was very intelligent, well-educated person who had received rooted western law education, who had a good command of English language besides Turkish, a beloved Turkish nationalist, and added that he knew western culture very well.
Olgun quoted from Denktaş and said that “The important thing is to be a man in every era, not to be the man of all eras. If we protect out national and moral values, one day those values will also protect us,” and read the poem named “I have Two Flags”.
The program also included a visual presentation about the sections of Dr. Fazıl Küçük’s and Rauf Raif Denktaş’s life and two different exhibitions named “Dr. Fazıl Küçük is still in our hearts in his 112th birthday” and “The Unforgettable Flag Bearer of National Cyprus Case: Rauf Raif Denktaş”.