The “Workshop on Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Practices” held in EUL

“Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Practices Workshop” was held by European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
The two-day workshop in the Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Exercise Laboratories was held in order to gain theoretical and practical knowledge about current methods used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation applications. Prof. Dr. Mehtap Malkoç, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Eastern Mediterranean University, attended the workshop as a speaker.
Malkoç: The main features of the 2020 National Diabetes Strategy are rational, inclusive and participatory
Malkoç described diabetes as a chronic and long-standing disease that disturbs the ability of the body to use nutrients for energy, and impaired glucose as a chronic disease characterized by fat-protein metabolism. Malkoç said that the main features of the 2020 National Diabetes Strategy are; ‘Rational’ in accordance with the needs and requirements of the country, ‘inclusive’ in all aspects of diabetes, ‘participatory’ prepared with the participation of all concerned parties. Another sub-objective of the National Diabetes Strategy is to increase the quality of life and lifespan of diabetic patients, to reduce the acute and chronic complications of diabetes, and to reduce the prevalence of diabetes.
“Physiotherapist is an exercise specialist in life,” Malkoç said. Malkoç said that the four main elements of diabetes treatment are education, medical nutrition therapy, exercise and medicine. In the context of presentation, Malkoç visually explained what went wrong with diabetes and exercise, the role of insulin in cell metabolism, the role of insulin in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Malkoç stated that exercise in diabetes management is adhered to existing complications and that planned regular physical activity is recommended for all diabetic patients and that regular physical activity reduces insulin resistance and high risk people prevent type 2 diabetes.
At the end of the workshop, a certificate of participation was presented by the Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülbin Ergin, to the students and certificate of appreciation and flowers were presented to Malkoç for the contribution.