“The Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) on International Arena” themed conference organized at EUL with high level of participation

The Supreme Board of Radio and Television Committee which came to T.R.N.C to hold a meeting with High Broadcasting Council paid a formal visit to EUL Rector Prof.Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen. After the visit, “The Supreme Board of Radio and Television on International Arena” themed conference was held at EUL. Member of Supreme Board of Radio and Television and General Secretary of Organization of Islamic Cooperation Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (IBRAF) Assoc. Prof. Dr Hamit Ersoy attended the conference which took place at EUL Rauf Raif Dentaş Conference Hall as a speaker.
Ersoy said that The Supreme Board of Radio and Television is an institution that should be present in all democratic countries as a main regulatory authority in field of broadcasting. Ersoy pointed out the fact that there are two main points that The Supreme Board of Radio and Television pays regard to and added that one these points is the assurance of an environment in which anyone who has an opinion can declare their opinion and the other one is the assurance of using the right to receive news of anyone who watches TV or listens to radio.
Ersoy pointed out that while The Supreme Board of Radio and Television has a duty within the national borders, it also has the need to cooperate on the international arena. Ersoy said that “The European Audiovisual Media Services directive requires cooperation within the European Union and the Council of Europe in the framework of a television contract to ensure that standards are established between countries and that these standards are applied in all countries in the same way”. Ersoy also stressed that in order to create a quality and unproblematic broadcast, all countries remain faithful to these international texts.
Ersoy stated that while The Supreme Board of Radio and Televisions’ systems for inspecting, monitoring, creating reports and reporting system in case of any infringement are highly technological.
Pointing out that The Supreme Board of Radio and Television has bilateral protocols Ersoy stated that the cooperating countries are Macedonia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kosovo, Moldavia, China and Korea and added that Bosnia and Herzegovina, Benin and Romania are the countries that are in the process of signing a protocol.
At the end of the conference Rector of EUL, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen presented a plaquet to Ersoy.