The Faculty Member of EUL Bardak gave information about nutrition during winter

Tredns in fatty and sugary foods increasing during winter
Member of the Faculty of EUL Faculty of Health Sciences of Nutrition and Dietetics Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazal Bardak has noted that during the winter season it is important to strengthen the immune system and that adequate and balanced nutrition intake holds a great importance in means of maintaining health and strengthening the body.
Depending on the acceleration of the metabolism in order to heat the body, both our nutritional and the appetite mechanism increases through alternations. During this season, Bardak said that indicating tendency of change in nutritional habits with the cooling of the climate usually results in consuming more fatty and sugary foods. Bardak stated that more time is been spent indoors during the winter period and underlined that there is a decrease in the intensity of physical activity and that the tendency to eat more fatty and sugary foods are increased due to the increase of appetite, more food consumption and less physical activity, as more time spent watching a TV.
Foods to be consumed
Bardak said “We shout not forget to consume seasonal and healthy vegetables and fruits during winter and also consume sufficient water for a balanced diet”. Bardak also emphasized and underlined the foods which must be mostly consumed during the winter season for the protection of form and strengthening the immune system:
1. It is recommended to consume plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables. It is beneficial to benefit from vegetable and fruit varieties to provide vitamins and minerals. It is important to consume fruits such as orange, mandarin, apple, grapefruit which are rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A and C, which are strengthening defense system and also vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, squash, cabbage, cauliflower, parsley, which are abundant in winter season.
2. Minerals such as iron, zinc, copper and selenium, vitamins A, E and C help the immune system of the body to resist against the infections. Animal sources such as red meat and eggs are important sources of iron, zinc and protein as also selenium in fish.
3. Dry legumes and oil seeds are important plant nutrients for iron, zinc and selenium. Red meat is rich in vitamin A as carrots and pumpkins are rich in β -carotene, which is the leading element of a vitamin A.
4. Care should be taken to consume carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a balanced manner in our daily diet, as it should be in every season.
5. Stopping fat consumption is the most common mistake in diet. However, A, D, E, and K are vitamins that dissolve in fat and consuming fat means reducing their availability in these vitamins. Fat is also important in weight control, using the right amount will reduce your feelings of hunger and will make you feel satiety. The type of fat used for dieting is of great importance in the strengthening of the immune system. Fish, fish oil, hazelnut are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as olive oil, hazelnut oil are rich in omega-9 whereas corn oil and sunflower oil are rich in omega-6.
6. We consume low fat milk and dairy products twice a day as doing this, it is possible to continue to accumulate on the vitamin D deposits. In addition, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D found in milk and dairy products is very important in protecting our bones.
7. You have to include the winter vegetables such as leek, spinach, celery and cabbage on your table. These vegetables help you to have a better digestive system.
8. You should also not neglect the breakfast during the winter period. It is possible to have a more vigorous and healthy body by making regular breakfast every day. During the breakfast, protein and fiber rich foods increase the metabolism rate.
9. Even you won’t feel much thirst during the winter, 2-2.5 liters (10-14 cups) of water a day should be consumed. Due to the cold weather, winter drinks are usually hot drinks. As a hot beverage, tea-coffee, which has a high content of caffeine-tein, is generally preferred. Choosing herbal teas will be a better alternative.