Students learned the art of “Ex-libris” through practice

A seminar and workshop on “Ex-libris” was organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Communication Sciences.
At the seminar, Işık University Fine Arts Faculty- Visual Communication Design Department Lecturer and also the President of Istanbul Ex-libris Society Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş gave a detailed presentation about EX-LIBRIS. Pektaş explained the definition of ex-libris as a description of the author and a branch of art to glorify him, and furthermore these are lithography; the small sized photos attached by bookworms to their books.
Pektaş pointed out that Ex-libris is an important means of communication and that Ex-libris art has brought human beings into the books and made it feel it’s fascinating warmth and showed Ex-libris samples in the world and in Turkey.
Pektaş mentioned the historical development of Ex-libris and said, “Ex-libris has begun to be done together with the invention of the printing press. Later, it began to be collected not only as books but also as objects of accumulation and exchange. After the 19th century, associations were established, exchange bulletins, books were published and competitions started to be done”.
Referring to how the Ex-libris should be followed by the historical process of Ex-libris, Pektaş said, “The long side of the Ex-libris must be smaller than 13 cm, it needs to be reproduced and numbered as it is in the printmaking. It uses engraving (C3), wood printing (X2), linoleum printing (X3), lithography (L), serigraphy (S), offset (P7), photography (P8), computer guided design (CGD)
After completion of the presentation of Pektaş, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice Öz Pektaş, Head of Visual Communication Design Department of Işık University Fine Arts Faculty, made a presentation on “The Importance of Portfolio in Business Consultations and Body Language”.
Beginning the presentation with the definition of a portfolio, Öz described the portfolio as a document prepared by the designer, the artist and the architects in order to introduce the works they perform.
Öz says, “A designer who is trying to introduce himself should absolutely make portfolio, prepare his resume and make personal meetings or talks. The portfolio should exhibit areas of specialization, desire and enthusiasm for one’s work. ”
Öz noted that it is important to design a resume for the preparation of the portfolio. Öz gave information about a good resume, the person you invited to interview, then the resume’s personal value and uniqueness.
Lastly, Öz said that students should pay attention to the sitting style, eye contact, handshake, smile, posture, clothing, tone of voice and posture of the hands for a successful interview.
After the seminar, workshops on the subject were carried out in the MAC laboratory and applications were conducted to students by Pektaş.