Student clubs affiliated to EUL Students’ Dean Office were introduced

The European University of Lefke (EUL) presented 42 club goals and activities affiliated to the Students’ Dean Office. The clubs that organize events on health, sports, nature and science have registered new club members by introducing their activities and goals to the new enrolled students.
During the club promotion event, which was held in the EUL Plaza area and attracted the interest of the students, the students became members of the clubs to learn more about the fields they are interested in. Through the clubs, students develop their own skills in organizing and managing projects, and they find opportunities to socialize by taking part in the organizations organized by their clubs.
Student Dean Özgür Yılmabaşar stated that, thanks to the clubs, the students have the opportunity to organize all kinds of events that appeal to them and as “Dean Office, we contribute to all the social and cultural activities they perform”.