Spring Joy Blossomed at EUL’s Happy Saturdays

The ‘Happy Saturdays at EUL’ event series organised by the European University of Lefke (EUL) began in the spring semester.
The first of the Joyful Saturdays event series held on the EUL campus took place on Saturday, 27 April 2024.
EUL students designed their hats at the Hat Elegance Workshop
The first of the event series, which was held with the contributions of the Social and Cultural Activities Centre, included music, surprise events, fun games, prizes and performances throughout the day. EUL Student Clubs carried out different activities during the Saturday event, where food and drinks were served to the students during the day.
The events, which were organised with the participation of EUL students and clubs, started at 16:00. The event programme included various competitions, an art and painting workshop in spring, a spring hat elegance workshop, dance in the spring breeze, street animals also need love bazaar, and a DJ Crymez performance.
In the events organised with the participation of a large number of students, the students spent joyful hours with fun activities.