Scientific book from EUL Academician Debreli

Head of Department of Foreign Languages Education at European University of Lefke and Director of the Preparatory School Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Debreli’s new book has been published. The book, which was published as ‘Practice-based Professional Development’, was published by Nobel Academic Publishing.
Stating that the book in question is an important resource in the field of English Language Teaching, Debreli stated that the current trends in English Language Teaching and the elements of practice-based professional development are mainly discussed.
Debreli: “A valuable resource for anyone who wants to advance in the teaching profession”
In the book, it was stated that an overview of professional development activities especially for ELT professionals and how the change in teachers’ approaches to professional development occurred, top-down professional development models and bottom-up professional development models were discussed. Stating that the book also touched upon the relationship between teaching and doing research, Debreli said that teacher research is explained in detail, how it can be done, what forms it can take, and how it can benefit learners and teachers when the necessary conditions are created in institutions.
Finally, Debreli stated that the book in question is a valuable resource for anyone who practices the profession of teaching, studies in undergraduate or graduate education programs, and wants to advance in the teaching profession.