Reading Habit is being Spread with Different Activities at EUL

Reading Activity held with “Choose Your Book, Join the Bicycle Tour” slogan
European University of Lefke (EUL) Library Club organized reading activity with “Choose Your Book, Join the Bicycle Tour” slogan at the Lefke Region.
Lort: Social media, which has become widespread with technology, has dominated everyone from seven to seventy and the rate of reading books is decreasing day by day.
Giving information about the event, Alev Lort, Director of the Library said that “As the Library Club, we have added a new one to our activities. Social media, which has become widespread with technology, has dominated everyone from seven to seventy and the rate of reading books is decreasing day by day”. Lort further said that, in order to reduce this decrease they organized reading activity with “Choose Your Book, Join the Bicycle Tour” slogan at the Lefke Region and added that in the tour, students read book in the rest breaks.
She also said that cycling, which can be done as an alternative sporting activity in the Lefke region, is a positive physical activity and at the same time it makes the habit of reading books pleasant. Lort finally stated that the purpose of the Club is to create awareness by spreading the habit of reading books with different activities.