“Psychology, Law, Sociology: Meeting of Crossroads” panel was held at EUL

The “Psychology, Law, Sociology: Meeting of Crossroads” panel, organized by the European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Arts and Sciences, with the joint participation of the Psychology and Law Department, was held online.
In the panel, the concept of crime was evaluated with a multidisciplinary perspective.
In the panel, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız and Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Nuri Erisgin made the opening speeches of the panel. Head of Department of Psychology, European University of Lefke Assoc. Prof. Dr. In her speech, Zihniye Okray emphasized the importance of evaluating the concept of crime in terms of psychology, sociology and law. In his speeches at the panel, Faculty Members Prof. Dr. Belkıs A. Tarhan, ‘Crime, Power and Punishment: A Sociological Evaluation’, Dr. Ferhun Kahraman gave their evaluations on “Sociological Causes of Crime” and Lecturer Dilem Öke on “Crime in the Context of Forensic Psychology”.
As a result of the panel, which was evaluated with the ‘multidisciplinary perspective of the concept of crime’ by the panelists, an efficient and beneficial event was held in line with the feedback received from the students.