Promoting zero tolerance to violence is the most important responsibility

Dean of the European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu shared important information on the Day of Struggle Against Violence Against Women.
Hablemitoğlu stated that the United Nations (UN) launched a campaign called “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence”, which started on November 25, Day for the Fight Against Violence Against Women and lasted until December 10, Human Rights Day. He stated that in many countries of the world, individuals, non-governmental organizations, institutions and organizations are making efforts to develop and adopt a strategy for the prevention and eradication of violence.
Hablemitoğlu, violence against women is worrying
Stating that the coronavirus pandemic not only deepened the economic crisis, but also deepened gender inequalities, Hablemitoğlu stated that as a result, the burden of domestic care and reproduction of women, violence and femicide increased. Hablemitoğlu emphasized that violence against women is at an alarming level in the published reports and stated that it has turned into an epidemic.
“We know; Social workers working in the field of health, social support and welfare, and all other relevant professions, all have an important role in ending violence against women and girls in society. We should all work together in different sectors, professions, and areas where we provide services to address various aspects of violence against women and girls, ”said Hablemitoğlu, and pointed out that this effort requires adopting egalitarian gender norms and dynamics, and especially supporting women’s empowerment.
Despite the negative conditions created by the pandemic, women’s rights should be fought for
“Universities are one of the strongest areas for encouraging critical scrutiny of gender roles, regimes and practices. Hablemitoğlu emphasized that encouraging zero tolerance to violence in all areas of life is the most important responsibility. She emphasized that encouraging zero tolerance to violence in all areas of life is the most important responsibility. Stating that they will not stop fighting for the rights of women all over the world despite the negative conditions created by the pandemic, Hablemitoğlu said, “This year, again, embracing the Istanbul Convention, establishing 24/7 accessible emergency channels for violence against women, conducting effective investigations against impunity, “To operate, to open well-equipped, qualified shelters, sexual violence crisis centers, to employ qualified professionals there, will be highlighted as very serious, important initiatives and demands in solving the problem.”