Practices on “Diction and Effective Speech” at EUL

“Diction and Effective Speech” themed education seminar was organized by European University of Lefke Faculty of Communication Sciences. The seminar was presented by the experienced head speaker of TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Association) Fikret Alan.
Fikret Alan who has served as a head speaker and program producer in several regional directorates of Turkish Radio and Television Association shared his experiences with the students of EUL. Alan who is also an honor member of İzmir Association of journalists, works as a program manager and speaker in TRT Kent FM.
Emphasis and Connexion have a great importance in Turkish Language
During the two-day event, educator Fikret Alan pointed out that Turkish is a language that is read as it is written to a great extent, and added that there are many exceptions that are read differently from its writing. Stressing the importance of emphasis and connexion in Turkish Language, Alan said that if there is no specific narration, the emphasis should be at the end of the sentence in Turkish. Point out the importance of connexion in using Turkish Language effectively, Alan said that, “Words should be connected to each other like chain,”.
In addition to presenting up-to-date information on diction and effective speech to the students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Alan has also made practices with the students.
Practices were performed on EUL FM
The practice part of the event was held at EUL FM studios. Following the training given by Alan about radio program making and presentation techniques and the vocalization of radio texts, EUL students were also invited to participate in the practice.