“Past and Present of Turkish Cypriot Economy” named Book from EUL

EUL Academicians Şafaklı and Şeşen are the editors of the book
“Past and Present of Turkish Cypriot Economy” named book is published by Detay Publishing with the editorship of Dean of EUL Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Okan Veli Şafaklı and Head of Business Department Prof. Dr. Harun Şeşen under the sponsorship of TRNC Ministry of Education and Culture and Republic of Turkey Development and Economic Cooperation Office.
Şafaklı: The book is a scientific work that all fields related with Turkish Cypriot Economy can benefit from
Şafaklı who gave information on the preparation of the book, stated that sources related with Turkish Cypriot Economy are insufficient and outdated and added that they aim to gain this scientific book to all fields that are related with Turkish Cypriot Economy.
Şafaklı pointed out that in the work named “Past and Present of Turkish Cypriot Economy”, both macro and sectorial approach is used. Şafaklı stated that first of all the book focuses on the welfare and living conditions of the Turkish Cypriots before and after 1974 and added that the service sectors such as tourism and higher education, which are still locomotives of the Turkish Cypriot economy, have been examined in separate sections.
Şafaklı said that in addition to the sections that the editors wrote, the writings of the PhD students of the Business Department and the writings of the faculty members are involved in the book and listed the main headings of the book as; “Turkish Cypriot Economy before and after 1974: Comparative Evaluation with the Greek Cypriot Economy”, “Entrepreneurship and TRNC Case”, ” State Model foreseen in the TC-TRNC Protocols”, “Process of Turkish Cypriot Harmonization with the European Union Acquis from the Perspective of Economy”, “Economic Growth and Labor Market in TRNC”, ” Contribution of Tourism to the Cyprus Economy”, “Comparison of Economic Integration Level between Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) – Turkey (TR) and the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) -Greece (GR)”, “The Past and Present of the Banking and Finance Sector in Cyprus”, and “The Past and Present of Foreign Economic Relations in TRNC”.