One phase of the Lefkara Literature Feast was held at EUL

One phase of the “Lefkara Literature Feast” organised throughout the TRNC in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Nicosia, Youth and Sports Coordinatorship, Cyprus Foundations Administration, Cyprus Drop Association, Presidency of Turks Abroad and Relatives Community, TRNC MEB, and Ankara Social Sciences University TRNC Campus was held at EUL. Academicians, poets, and writers from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the TRNC participated in the festival. EUL academician Prof. Dr. Oğuz Karakartal and Ömer Korkmaz, a poet from Turkey, made presentations at the organisation held at the European University of Lefke within the scope of the TRNC universities phase of the festival.
In the event, which was intensely attended by EUL students and interested parties, Prof. Dr. Oğuz Karakartal focused on Turkish Cypriot storytelling. Ömer Korkmaz made a presentation on the ideal human type in poetry. In his speech, Korkmaz shared with the audience the types of intellectuals and ideal people who have changed in the historical process with reference to literature.
The event ended with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation after the questions of the students.