Meaningful Organization from EUL

EUL didn’t forget the Elderly
European University of Lefke (EUL) organized a dinner for the members of Association of Lefke and Surroundings Pioneer Women at EUL Lounge. Rector of EUL Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, General Secretary of EUL Mehmet Yalçın, Rector Advisor Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmedali Egemen, Head of Association of Lefke and Surroundings Pioneer Women Suziye Zafer and management board members of the association attended the meeting which took place with the intense participation of elderly people living in Lefke.
Pointing out that universities have three basic aims, Yükselen stated these aims as; to provide education, to conduct researches and to serve the society in which they are located. Yükselen said that “We are very happy to see you among us, this is our duty. Every minute we spend with you, every hour is really special. We are so glad to have you, and we are so glad that you have accepted out invitation. It is our pleasure to be with you again in the same room this year,” and added that EUL is a university established with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the region. Yükselen said that, “Thus, we are here to achieve this mission by trying harder every other day. You all have a separate endeavor, separate support, in this journey. We always feel this. We will continue to do it for us both for our region and for our university. It is very important for us to feel the support in this matter as you are in every issue,”.
Head of the association Zafer said that, “I would like to thank Mr. Yükselen for remembering us every year, on behalf of management board and our members,” and pointed out that the university does not only show its supports on special occasions, but its support is felt every day, the university provides transportation for the weekly activities of the association and makes contribution in terms of giving home service for the elderly with the help of students. Zafer emphasized that, with trainings such as “Importance of Physical Activity in Aging”, the members of the association are enlightened by the academicians and that they are always being remembered by the students with different activities. Zafer presented a certificate of appreciation and a flower to Yükselen for the contributions of the university.
Members expressed their gratification for the dinner that EUL organized and the importance of the day as follows;
İzzet Niyazioğulları: This activity is great, our rector conducts great endeavors and he hosted us very good here.
Günal Salmanay: I attended the same organization last year as well, just like last year everything was great.
Gülay Ecesoy: I have attended this organization three times. We are so glad to have our rector, we are very glad that he gave us this opportunity. I would like to thank him for caring and thinking about us.
Sunay Bönen: Everything is great, locals are also pleased with this activity. I attended last year, our rector remembered us this year as well.
Münevver Felek: I’ve really liked the organization. We also came last year, we are very glad that he invited the locals.
Ayla Sabit: This was a very good activity, we had so much fun and the food tasted delicious. I attended last year as well and I am here again this year. We are having a lovely day. Our rector does really great things, I like it so much. I would like to thank him for everything.