“Mourning – A Long Farewell” Book by EUL Academician Hablemitoğlu

European University of Lefke (EUL) Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu’s book named “Yas Uzun Bir Veda”, which is about to be published in its third edition, has been published by Doğan Kitap.
Hablemitoğlu explained her purpose in writing the book as follows; “I wanted it to be a tribute to the loved ones I’ve lost over the years and all the losses that have shaped my life. In addition, I tried to bridge the gap between the practical knowledge I gained during my grief counseling and the literature, to reveal the similarities between research results and life, as well as my personal experience, in order to humbly guide many people who lost their loved ones and grieving especially during the pandemic process…” The book has a very basic goal; helping people who have experienced loss understand the process they are going through. At this point, the book seeks answers to two questions; (1) What do we do when we lose loved ones/relatives? (2) how do we go about our life?
While describing the content of her book, Hablemitoğlu added the following: “…when we lose someone, we are going through a process where we try to learn a different kind of love, a language of love that we do not know. We call it “to mourn”. While we can only imagine what it would be like to lose someone we love, when it actually happens, we realize that it is actually unimaginable. And, in that gap between what we imagine and what we can never imagine, the absence of our loved ones and our effort to love that absence; so we mourn.”
To access the book:
*Hablemitoğlu, Ş., (2021). Yas Uzun Bir Veda. ( 2. Basım). Doğan Kitap, 200 sayfa, İstanbul.