Interview conducted by renowned writer-director Dervis Zaim in EUL

Dervis Zaim’s latest production of the The Dream film screening and interviewing activity, organized by European University Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Communication Sciences, was held at EUL Cinema Hall with intense participation.
Dervis Zaim, one of the most important directors of the Turkish cinema, filmed a documentary called ‘Parallel Journeys’, which described the Cyprus issue with a different perspective, as well as feature-length films such as ‘Scissors Kick in Coffin, ‘Elephants and Grass’, ‘Shadows and Figures’. Zaim also teaches cinema at various universities.
The Turkish Cypriot filmmaker Zaim, who stated that the film The Dream is also the ninth film he has recorded to date, told the story of the architect Sine who started to see sleep treatment due to the stress he had in his last film, The Dream.
Zaim said, “Sine is in one of these treatment sessions, in his dream, finds himself in the myth of the ‘Seven Sleepers’, a source of inspiration for his design. When he wakes up from this dream, he experiences some physical and mental changes. However, no one can notice these changes. These changes take place in the sessions of Sine’s treatment center, every change will cause different reactions on Sine. ”
Responding to the questions of the movie lovers, Zaim noted that the desire to make a film about architecture is the starting point of Dream. Zaim said, in this film, the story of a female architect who was thinking about the ways in which the architect developed today, is told. As Zaim was asked why the people who built the mosque were involved in the film “Dream”, Zaim replied, “An architect who entered the framework of the tradition of the architectural calculus, cannot ignore the architectural characteristics of the geography we live in.” Zaim also added that the Sine character in the film, which is now in search of a moral value, is a mosque of the place where we try to make it, which is an element to facilitate this narration.
At the end of the activity, Professor of Communication Faculty of EUL Dr. Belkıs Ayhan Tarhan presented a certificate of appreciation to the director Derviş Zaim.