International accreditation to 4 new programs of EUL

The European University of Lefke (EUL) continues to certify the quality education it provides to its students by international and independent accreditation institutions.
European University of Lefke Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Health Management and Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration, Economy, Finance and Banking departments was accredited by Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences, which is the Higher Education Quality Institution in Germany for a period of five years.
Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences (AHPGS), an authorized and independent accreditation institution in its field, has four programs; The content and quality of the curricula offered in the departments were evaluated according to different criteria in terms of faculty members, institutional environment and quality assurance.
The organization made an evaluation visit on April 21, 2021 evaluating the accreditation applications of the Health Management Department, together with the Finance and Banking, Economy and Public Administration Departments within the framework of self-assessment reports and supporting evidence.
AHPGS Accreditation Evaluation Committee held separate meetings with the Rectorate, Faculty Deans, heads of related programs, faculty members, research assistants and students during this evaluation visit and fulfilled the necessary evaluation task. As a result of its evaluation, the committee stated that the European University of Lefke met the evaluation criteria. As a result of the file review and online interviews, AHPGS Expert Reports were sent to the aforementioned departments and it was reported that the departments were accredited for a period of five years until 30 September 2026.
EUL Faculty of Health Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu shared her thoughts on the subject as follows: “We are proud that the Department of Health Management, which is under the Faculty of Health Sciences of the European University of Lefke, has received accreditation approval by an international organization. We owe a debt of gratitude to the entire university administration, especially to . our Rector, Prof. Dr Mehmet Ali Yükselen, to our colleagues and to our students.”
EUL Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Ebru Oğurlu expressed her thoughts on accreditation as follows: “I congratulate the academicians and students of the Public Administration, Economics, Finance and Banking Departments of the European University of Lefke, which has achieved an important success by being accredited by AHPGS within the scope of Social and Human Sciences in the TRNC. We are very happy and proud to see that the synthesis of academic richness, knowledge and quality that we are trying to realize throughout the faculty has been approved by an independent quality institution.”