Intensive Care Nursing was discussed at EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Nursing organised an online panel titled “Career Steps in Nursing: The Case of Intensive Care Nursing” online panel was organised.
The event, moderated by Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp, Director of the School of Nursing, started with the speech of Asst. Prof. Dr. Adriano Friganović. Friganović first introduced himself and talked about his education process. Friganović stated that learning in the nursing profession does not end after graduation, the real learning starts after graduation and emphasised the importance of lifelong learning. Friganović mentioned that he works at the University of Applied Health Sciences Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and that he especially likes working in surgical branches such as cardiovascular surgery and paediatric surgery. He explained that it is important for nurses to write scientific articles, Friganović asked the students to conduct research and publish these researches in journals. Dr Friganović, who is the President of the European Specialist Nurses Organisation (ESNO) and the European Specialist Nurses Organisation, was asked many questions from students on some issues such as membership to these associations, internship abroad and working conditions. Dr Friganović answered the questions by mentioning the importance of being a member of national nursing associations, stating that conducting scientific studies is necessary for overseas job positions, post-graduate education and membership in foreign nursing associations. While completing his speech, Friganović stated that he was very happy to be invited to the event at the European University of Lefke and thanked Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp for inviting him.
Another speaker at the event, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu Terzi, shared with the students how she started her nursing education in Turkey and her experience working as a clinician in the intensive care unit before starting her academic studies. She Stated that this experience was a guiding light in her nursing career, Terzi stated that her scientific studies were shaped in this direction. Terzi talked about the impact of her experience as an intensive care nurse on her work as a member of the board of directors of the Turkish Critical Care Nurses Association and in her studies and lectures at Akdeniz University Faculty of Nursing, where she currently works. She added that nurses working in intensive care units should be patient and empathetic, Terzi expressed that cooperation and communication with team members are important. She also added that the number of nurses should be sufficient in intensive care environments, which are chaotic environments where multiple problems can be encountered at the same time. Terzi provided examples from her own scientific studies and requested the students to work hard. After answering the questions of the students, Terzi expressed that she was very happy to be at the European University of Lefke School of Nursing, where she had previously lectured, once again by participating in this event and thanked Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp for inviting her as a speaker.
Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp thanked both speakers for their participation and valuable contributions to the event and ended the event by thanking the students.