Head of EUL Psychology Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray evaluated the Adaptation process in the Post Covid-19 Period

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Head of Psychology Department Assoc. Dr. Zihniye Okray informed on the subject of “Adaptation in the Post Covid-19 Period”.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our country as well as the world. While the measures taken within the framework of the calls and recommendations made by the World Health Organization and the disease prevention centers during the pandemic process, improved our daily life to protect ourselves from the virus, it also caused negative results in many areas. The lockdown and curfews implemented within the framework of restrictions have turned into a social problem that affects our economic life as well as our social life. Okray said, “These measures were compulsory measures to keep the society healthy and to reduce the loss of life and patient burden due to COVID-19, in other words, to protect physical health”. Nevertheless, Okray mentioned that these measures prevent possible situations that may develop in the field of mental health but that they may also cause some negative consequences.
Okray continued her words as follows; according to many scientific studies in the field of mental health conducted around the world, she made predictions that the number of anxiety disorders, disorders related to trauma and triggering factors, and obsession-compulsive disorders in the post-COVID-19 period will increase. On the other hand, these mental health disorders are affected not only by the special situations created by the pandemic, but also by the infodemic, online and offline information pollution, which has been brought to the literature by the World Health Organization.
She stated that, “We, mental health academics have important duties such as protecting the mental health of our society, preparing the society for the post-COVID-19 process, and communicating new studies to healthcare professionals who are working in the field of mental health.” EUL Psychology Department lecturers are volunteers to do their part in the studies to be done on the subject.