Head of EUL Nutrition and Dietetics Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazal Bardak Perçinci made suggestions on the subject of “Women and Nutrition”

European University of Lefke (EUL) Health Sciences Faculty Nutrition and Dietetics Department Head Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazal Bardak Perçinci gave information on the subject of “Women and Nutrition”.
“The importance of nutrition in terms of women’s health increases even more in special situations such as pregnancy, lactation, menstruation and menopause. Perçinci said that the incidence of nutrition-related health problems in women increases with the increase in age” and stated that life periods such as adolescence, pregnancy, number of births, breastfeeding period, menopausal period and retirement are considered as important risky periods for women. Perçinci continued his words as follows; At the beginning of the adolescence period, physiologically, body fat tissue increases in proportion to muscle mass with the effect of estrogen hormone. A number of events such as pregnancy and menopause also contribute to this weight gain. Although the effect of transition to menopause on body fat distribution is not clear, some studies show that central and especially intra-abdominal fat is associated with the transition to menopause.
“Available information adds to the multiple socio-cultural dynamics causes of weight gain between the sexes across the world. E.g; Although women generally state that they consume healthier food, they consume sugary foods more than men,” said Perçinci, adding that obesity is now an epidemic in the world and it affects all age and social groups of the society, and especially the female gender. Perçinci continued his words as follows: Obesity adversely affects especially the life span and quality of women. It also brings with it many organic, systemic, hormonal, metabolic, aesthetic, spiritual and social problems.
Perçinci, who gave information on the subject of “Women and Nutrition”, made the following suggestions in the continuation of her explanations;
Nutrition During Pregnancy
– They should use the olive oil they use in their meals and salads by mixing them with other oils.
– They should reduce the salt rate in their food and especially use iodized salt.
– Should not consume ready-made food products.
– They should include red meat 2 days a week, fish varieties 2 days and white meat on other days in their food.
Vegetables and fruits should be washed well and consumed fresh in their season.
– Foods containing additives such as sausage, sausage, salami should be carefully consumed in small quantities.
Nutrition During Lactation
– Care should be taken to take enough fluids to produce adequate breast milk. At least 8-12 glasses of fluid should be taken daily.
During the lactation period, besides water, beverages such as milk with high nutritional value and freshly squeezed fruit juice can be preferred. Since milk and fruit juice will also provide the consumption of other nutrients, it will also affect breast milk productivity.
-Onions, garlic, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, hot spices or legumes can change the taste of breast milk. While this situation creates restlessness (such as gas formation, refusal to feed) in some babies, some may not notice it at all.
-Mothers should not rush to return to their old weight. This process should be carried out under the control of a dietitian.
-After birth, while breastfeeding the baby, more liquid food should be taken compared to the pre-pregnancy period.
– Foods containing additives such as salami, sausage, sausage should be avoided as much as possible.
Nutrition During Menopause
It is possible to list the foods that must be added to the diet program as follows, but it is important that the portion control is designed according to the physiological needs of the person.
-Quality protein sources such as eggs, legumes, red meat, fish varieties, yogurt, kefir;
-carbohydrate types such as whole grain bread, quinoa, bulgur;
Seasonal fruits and vegetables can be preferred.
-Resembling estrogen; Foods also called phytoestrogens such as dry beans, peas, onions, garlic, soy, broccoli, carrots and flax seeds can be consumed more frequently.