“Freedom of Thought and Press” discussed at EUL

“Freedom of Thought and Press” was discussed at European University of Lefke. TV show presenter and columnist Serhat İncirli attended the conference organized by EUL Department of Public Relations and Advertising as a speaker.
İncirli made suggestions about journalism profession to the students
İncirli made suggestions about journalism profession to the students by looking at his journalist experiences. Giving examples from T.R.N.C and T.R media from past to present, İncirli, discussed the issue writing or expressing as freedom and conveyed in detail the boundaries of expressing what is intended to be written. In his speech, İncirli emphasized the fact that concepts such as alienation and insult cannot be considered as freedom of expression in media and gave advices about journalism profession.
İncirli also said that media has economic and politic dependence in the world including Turkey and T.R.N.C and added that press carries on its work parallel with these dependences.
Journalist-Author Serhat İncirli answered many questions addressed by the students sincerely and transferred important information to the young communicators who will enter the profession and he provided guidance related with their careers.