Foreign Minister Ertuğruloğlu gave a conference at EUL

Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu expressed that “As long as Greek Cypriots continue to behave as if they are the Republic of Cyprus, the Cyprus problem will continue as an international problem. This is the main reason for 60 years of ongoing and unsuccessful negotiations.”
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu gave a conference on ‘Cyprus Issue’ at the European University of Lefke. EUL Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, EUL Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Ali Dayıoğlu, many academicians and students attended the conference.
Ertuğruloğlu informed the students about the history of the Cyprus issue and stated: “First of all, I would like to express to you that despite the discrimination we have been subjected to here for years and despite these discriminations, injustices, embargoes and inhumane policies imposed on us, I appreciate your decision to choose the TRNC to complete your higher education and to be with us.”
Ertuğruloğlu, who made the definition of the Cyprus issue to the students, explained in detail how the 1960 Republic was established and why the life of the common republic was 3 years, expressed that the definition of the Cyprus issue is that “the island is referred to as the ‘Republic of Cyprus’ by the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots are treated as a minority in the so-called Republic of Cyprus”.
Ertuğruloğlu further stated: “As long as the Greeks continue to behave as if they are the ‘Republic of Cyprus’, the Cyprus problem will continue as an international problem. This is the main reason for 60 years of unsuccessful negotiations.”
Furthermore, Ertuğruloğlu mentioned that the Greeks are trying to make it look as if the Cyprus problem started in 1974 and added: “I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there has been a United Nations Peacekeeping Force on the island since 1964. Why? If there was no problem before 1964, why were UN troops sent to the island in 1964?”
The UN Peacekeeping Force failed to stop the bloodshed…
Minister of Foreign Affairs Ertuğruloğlu stated that the Security Council sent UN troops to Cyprus to stop the bloodshed, whereas the Turkish Cypriot people’s blood was shed from 1964 to 1974 and the UN troops who came to the island to stop the bloodshed remained spectators to this genocide.
Ertuğruloğlu explained with examples that the Turkish Cypriot people experienced similar atrocities in 1964 and 1974, similar to the atrocities that took place in Bosnia and the atrocities still taking place in the Middle East and Gaza.
Regarding why the UN troops did not intervene to stop the bloodshed in Cyprus, Foreign Minister Ertuğruloğlu quoted UN officials as stating that “we do not have the authority to intervene; we can only observe and report to the UN headquarters”.
“The main reason for 60 years of unsuccessful negotiations…”
Minister of Foreign Affairs Ertuğruloğlu emphasised that the Turkish Cypriot people will continue to stand up against the injustice they are subjected to by the international community and said that the Cyprus problem was created by the UN Security Council and the five permanent members.
Ertuğruloğlu expressed that ” As long as they continue to treat Greek Cypriots as if they were the Republic of Cyprus, the Cyprus problem will continue as an international problem. This is the main reason for 60 years of unsuccessful negotiations. Our only option is to stand against this injustice, discrimination, and inhumane embargoes and to continue this struggle that we are proud of. We have never been and will never be a minority of the Greek Cypriot state.”
Ertuğruloğlu also emphasised that they are an inseparable part of the great Turkish nation and added, “The flag of Türkiye is the flag of our nation. Türkiye is not another country; Türkiye is not England, France, Germany, the United States of America or Russia. Türkiye is our homeland; Türkiye is our reason for existence.” Foreign Minister Ertuğruloğlu further stated that they believe in Türkiye’s guarantee and that Türkiye’s guarantorship and the presence of Turkish troops on the island are indispensable.
Answering the questions of the students at the end of his speech, Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, in response to the question “Does the UN have a neutral role in the Cyprus issue?”, replied: “As I mentioned in my speech, the UN Security Council and its five permanent members recognise the Greek Cypriot state as the ‘Republic of Cyprus’. It is clearly seen here that they are not neutral”.
At the end of the conference, EUL Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen presented a plaque of appreciation to Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu.