Famous Performer and Author Murat Tavlı was the Guest of EUL

Famous Performer and Author Murat Tavlı participated in the autograph session organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Directorate of Library and Library Club on the occasion of “Library Week”.
Tavlı who had a role in different series such as Yeşil Deniz, Aşksın Sen, Nerede O Yeminler, Yahşi Cazibe, Farklı Desenler, Hıyanet Sarmalı and who still has a role in the series called No: 309, came together with the students of EUL. Tavlı shared his life story with the participants by telling them the processes that he passed through. Pointing out that he has graduated from Bahçeşehir University Department of Business and Müjdat Gezen art school Department of Theatre, Tavlı stated that his first professional play was at E.S.E.K Theater (The Institution of Wisecrack Standards) and that he worked at Mujdat Gezen Theater, Bakirkoy Municipal Theater and Istanbul City Theaters.
Tavlı met with his fans
Tavlı said that “This is my first visit to European University of Lefke and second visit to Cyprus. I had previously came to Cyprus when I was 21-year-old, for a theater play. I hope I will come to the European University of Lefke again” and emphasized that he was very pleased with the interest shown. Tavlı said that, “It is a very good feeling to come together with my readers, and with the ones I love. I would like to thank European University of Lefke for their hospitality and for this wonderful organization”.
Tavlı, who has two awards in the category of best actor and actively continues acting and training life, answered the questions of the students and signed his book named “Gözyaşlarım İftiharla Sunar” for the students.