Famous model Özge Ulusoy was the guest of EUL

Özge Ulusoy met with fans in EUL
Famous guests hosted by European University of Lefke (EUL), organized under the “May Interviews in EUL”, continue to meet with EUL students.
During the interview program held at EUL Law School The Great Ampfi Conference Hall, model, presenter and actress Özge Ulusoy, the guest of the EUL, shared her career journey which started with modeling. Famous guests hosted by European University of Lefke (EUL), organized under the “May Interviews in EUL”, continue to meet with EUL students.
During the interview program held at EUL Law School The Great Ampfi Conference Hall, model, presenter and actress Özge Ulusoy, the guest of the EUL, shared her career journey which started with modeling.
Ulusoy stated that she was a ballerina in the Conservatory and participated in the Turkey Beauty Queen Contest (Miss Turkey) in 2003 on the basis of her elder sister’s insist. She met Ugurkan Erez in 2003, started her modeling and that this profession is fun and entertaining if realized appropriately.
Ulusoy, who expressed suggestions for those who want to be a model, pointed out that everyone can make wrong choices throughout life and that what is important is not to repeat the same mistake a second time, saying that the modelling is a lifestyle and requires discipline. Ulusoy stated that she was a determined person and she competed only with oneself. She said that she did not wait for work at home, she always pursued her own career, tried to be the best and planned her life according to her job.
Ulusoy who made statements about the Survivor Turkey contest program of 2011 she competed also stated that she did not have any problem about the food because she did not eat too much and that she longed her the family in the competition by saying that the only problem was cleanliness and at the same time, due to the fact that she was not able to use any communication tool, she made her own calculations about her life and she listened to her soul.
Ulusoy responded sincerely to the questions from the students and stated that she plans to open a gallery of art in the future, wants to come to a better place in the presenting to make a program for women and evaluates many proposals at present. Ulusoy recently expressed her enthusiasm to the students for the offers of motion pictures and she thanked them for their invitations.
At the end of the interview, Advisor to the Rector, Assit. Prof. Dr. Mehmedali Egemen presented Ulusoy with a souvenir plaque that reflects the cult of Cyprus.