“Fall Term Student Works” of EUL Communication students were exhibited

The “Fall Semester Student Studies” exhibition, prepared by the students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the European University of Lefke (EUL) in their applied courses in the 2021-2022 Fall Semester, was opened with an event held in the faculty foyer.
There are more than 200 works in the exhibition, which consists of the works of the students in the applied courses given by the faculty members of the Visual Communication Design Department of the Faculty of Communication Sciences in the Fall Semester of 2021 – 22 Academic Year. In the exhibition, besides 2D works such as illustrations, collages, patterns, photographs and posters, video and animation applications are presented to the visitors.
Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Prof. Dr. Elif Asude Tunca expressed her happiness at seeing the work done by the students in their fall semester classes and said, “I’m sure it gives you a different pleasure to see your work on display here. Please continue this sharing, this contribution, this interest, your support for what is yours, because these are very meaningful.”
Head of Visual Communication Design Department, who organized the exhibition, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Elif Atamaz, in her speech at the opening, emphasized that the exhibition covers the work done in the fall semester application courses of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and said, “For the first time, we got the fruits of the face-to-face course. In fact, there was more work than was displayed here, so we had to sift through it a bit. It was a very productive period, we understood it,” she said.
The exhibition will remain open throughout the spring semester to meet more audiences.