EUL’s Academician Hablemitoğlu approached “Social Work in Local Administrations”
Chairperson of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Social Services Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu attended the symposium organized by İzmir Mediterranean Academy titled “Izmir Model Symposium on Local Administrations” held at Yaşar University and made a presentation in the Social Services session titled “A Contribution to the İzmir Model: Social Work in Local Administrations”.
Hablemitoğlu explained strategic objectives of social services in local governments
In her presentation, Hablemitoğlu pointed out that the social work in local administrations was carried out in the environment and the place where the client sector is located, in other words this is accepted as social work in place, and that a model should be developed within the structure of the local for the sustainability of social services in local administrations. She further emphasized that the responsibility of taking the city and the society to its center is related to the bureaucracy and developing an appropriate staff and service policy.
In her presentation, Hablemitoğlu also explained the strategic objectives of social services in local administrations and added that social services can have an effect on the quality of life of the risk groups by contributing to the city life and the social welfare of the city.