EUL students cleaned the beach of Gemikonağı within the scope of “Clean Environment, Good Future” project

European University of Lefke Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty Special Education Teaching Department students organized the project called “Clean Environment, Good Future”.
The project carried out by Ayhan Albayrak, Cansel Nazlı and Rıdvan Kılıç, students of the Special Education Teaching Department, within the scope of Community Service Practices was supervized by Assst. Prof. Dr. Anıl Görkem.
Environmental awareness is important in environmental cleaning.
Students who shared information about the purpose of the project noted the following: In this project, we wanted to emphasize that environmental cleaning is very important for the health of both people and other living things. The cleanliness of the natural environment is very effective on human health. Human health is affected by the cleanliness of the environment. Environmental cleaning makes people’s life easier. The important thing in environmental cleaning is the formation of environmental awareness. The main purpose of this project is to set an example for people by keeping the environment clean and to create environmental awareness. A clean environment creates a clean society. It prevents health problems. The formation of a healthy society depends on the clean environment. Cleanliness of the environment is also important for the health of children. Thus, it is our duty to invest in our future by keeping our environment clean.
Finally, the students stated that they cooperated with the Municipality of Lefke and were given gloves, garbage bags, etc. by the municipality. They stated that the tools and equipment were given and the beach of Gemikonağı was cleaned with these tools, and the garbage collected by the Lefke municipality officials was also removed.