EUL students came together with Mesut Yar

Nobody is as sincere as they seem to be on screen
European University of Lefke have hosted the famous TV Personality Mesut Yar under the May Talks event.
The commune which was realized in EUL Rauf Raif Dentaş Conference Hall was attended by Mesut Yar who once held Office at Hürriyet, Sabah and Posta newspapers as editor and columnist, while in national TVs such as Show TV, Number One TV, HBB TV, Kanal 6, Star TV, Cine 5 and ATV had undertook duties of producer, presenter and anchorman. Yar answered to the forwarded questions as he had actively published story, poem and interview books and currently undergoes television critics in Posta Gazette under the title of “Televizyon Hastası” and runs a TV program entitled “Mesut Yar Sunar” at Star TV.
Beginning his commune initially by giving information about his educational background, Yar indicated that the reason behind for choosing Protohistoria and Fareast Archeology department was the Indiana Jones movie which he had the chance the watch while he was in vocational school- mechanical department. Yar reminded that he had begun working in Hürriyet newspaper in 1985 as an Office boy later starting to work in TV sector in 1992 by writing Temel stories.
Yar expressed that he had presented any news that he had ever desired to as he stressed that “I would present the news in a way that no one would notice”. Yar also stressed that sometimes he had not presented some news as those lacked humane qualities. Yar underlined that some insufficient professionals are disrespecting senior TV intellectuals for the sake of rating.
Yar emphasizing that he is one of the co-founders of CNBC-E channel, also expressed that some individuals are less democratic at the backstage than they are seemed on the fore plan; thus stressing that no one is much sincere as they seem to be.
At the end of the interview, Advisor to the Rector. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmedali Egemen presented a commemorative plaque reflecting cultures in Cyprus to Yar.