EUL Students attracted attention to “Early Diagnosis”

Students of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences participated in lockstep which was held under the framework of the 9th Date Palm Festival and attracted attention to the “Early Diagnosis” on the occasion of “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”.
Brochures prepared to increase breast cancer awareness were distributed
Brochures which were prepared by the students with the leadership of Acting Dean of Health Sciences Faculty Prof. Dr. Rümeysa Demirdamar with the aim of increasing breast cancer awareness were distributed to the people who visited EUL stadium. Example attitudes of EUL Students who were in charge at the EUL stadium gained appreciation. President of T.R.N.C Mustafa Akıncı and his wife, Prime Minister of T.R.N.C Tufan Erhurman, Agriculture and Natural Resources Minister Erkut Şahali and other protocol guests attended the 9th Lefke Palm Festival.
Attention was drawn to breast cancer with the brochures which included “Early Diagnosis saves life” slogan
The brochures which included “Early Diagnosis saves life” slogan and questions such as “What is Breast Cancer”, “The ways of protecting from breast cancer”, “What should be consumed after breast cancer” were distributed to the people by EUL students and by this means attention was drawn to “breast cancer”.