EUL student clubs were introduced

The activities of the clubs were introduced at the event organized by the European University of Lefke (EUL) Social Cultural Activities Center. The clubs, which organize events on many topics from health to sports, from nature to science, introduced their activities and aims to newly registered students and gained new club members.
“Through the clubs, students have the opportunity to organize all kinds of activities that appeal to them”
In the club promotion event, which took place in the EUL Plaza Area and attracted great interest from the students, the students became members of the clubs to learn more about the areas they were interested in. Through the clubs, students have the opportunity to socialize by improving themselves in organization and project management and taking part in the organizations organized by the clubs they are members of.
Social Cultural Activities Center informed students that they are given the opportunity to organize all kinds of activities that appeal to them thanks to the clubs and that they contribute to all social and cultural activities.