EUL student clubs gathered at the club festival

The activities of the clubs were introduced at the Clubs Festival organised by the European University of Lefke (EUL) Social and Cultural Activities Centre. Clubs with different fields of interest, from health to sports, from nature to science, introduced their activities and aims to newly enrolled students and gained club members. The event aimed for all students to meet, socialise, and show their creativity on a fun platform.
“In events organised by the clubs they are members of, students find opportunities for socialization by taking on roles”
During the club introduction event held at the EUL Plaza Area, which received significant attention from students, they became members of clubs to gain further knowledge about their areas of interest. Through these clubs, students enhance their skills in organization and project management, while also finding opportunities for socialization by participating in events organized by the clubs they are members of.
The Social Cultural Activities Center stated that the event was organized under the title of a festival with the aim of fostering interaction among all clubs. Furthermore, it was emphasized that students are provided with the opportunity to organize events tailored to their interests through these clubs, facilitating easy participation in social and cultural activities.