EUL student Çınarlı’s research has been published in an international journal

Nezire Çınarlı, one of the students of the European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Pharmacy, graduation thesis research under the supervision of EUL Faculty of Pharmacy Dean Prof. Dr. Rümeysa Demirdamar was published in the International Journal of Current Advanced Research.
Çınarlı; In many countries, a weight control program is implemented in pharmacies.
Çınarlı, who gave information about her work titled “Weight Control in the Pharmacy”, said, “Obesity is a health problem that is caused by the storage of excess fat in the body and causes other chronic diseases. Health specialist pharmacists, who have quality assurance in healthy life and are always the first to reach the society, have a great place in the control, management and treatment of chronic diseases. For this reason, a weight control program is implemented in pharmacies in many countries. Expressing that the program addresses people with a body mass index of 30 or above and at least one chronic disease, Çınarlı said that the aim of the program is to change the lifestyle of the patients, to provide weight control, to keep the existing chronic disease under control and to lead a healthier, quality lifestyle.
“This program has been implemented in many countries of the world and positive results have been obtained. With this study, it has been determined that the pharmacist has an important role in this issue in the society, that this program to be implemented in pharmacies is very effective in weight control, and the trust in the pharmacists in the society has been underlined once again,” said Çınarlı, adding that obesity and chronic obesity due to overweight are an important health problem in the world. He stated that the role of pharmacists in preventing diseases and improving the quality of life of the society is very great.