EUL ranked as the second according to the Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS) results

EUL achieved a phenomenal success
European University of Lefke, which is leading the change and development in the higher education of Northern Cyprus, continues to rise in 2017 with the teaching staff growing stronger, the number of students increasing rapidly every year, and newly opened faculties and departments.
European University of Lefke’s Rector Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen evaluated the rapid rise of EUL and stated that the number of students who settled in EUL according to the results of Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS) of Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM) in 2017 is 2131. According to these results, he emphasized that EUL achieved a phenomenal success by ranking as the second university in TRNC in terms of student placement.
Yükselen: “EUL reached 11.000 in student population”
Yükselen pointed out that the total population of the students will reach 11,000 this year, along with the students who settled with the Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS), external transfer exam, the additional quota, lateral transfer and the registration of the students coming from International countries. Yükselen stated that the results were not a surprise for them. According to Yükselen, as a result of the strategies implemented in a planned and programmed manner, the university’s developing infrastructure, newly opened departments, strengthened academic staff, student satisfaction-oriented studies and accreditations of international quality accredited educational qualities can be shown as the results of this success.
EUL is the second most preferred university in the TRNC
Yükselen expressed that they are quite satisfied with the number of students who have settled in EUL and emphasized that there is a great increase in the number of students who have come to EUL from the Republic of Turkey in the last four years. Yükselen pointed out that, in addition to successful strategies implemented by EUL, preferences of successful students has a great impact on the rapid growth of EUL. He also pointed out that, according to LYS results, last year the university was the third most preferred university among the universities in the TRNC and this year it has risen to second place which is a phenomenal success.
Record increase in 4 years
Yükselen pointed out that when he started his duty in 2013, 870 students preferred EUL according to the results of LYS but in 2017 this number reached 2131. He also stated that according to the results of 2013 Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS), 12.56% of the total number of students who settled in the TRNC universities preferred EUL, while this rate reached 19.74% this year which indicates the success of EUL.
Yükselen said that the results of the Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS) shows that the total number of students preferring TRNC universities decreased by 9.74% compared to the previous year, but he also stated that there was no significant decrease in the number of students preferring EUL compared to last year’s numbers. He said that with the mentioned ratios EUL gain the success of becoming as the second most preferred university in TRNC.
Yükselen stated that, they have created a qualified education environment that will enable students to gain experience in every field, not only by opening new programs and increasing the number of students but also by strengthening the technical infrastructure of the university in the completed academic year.
Yükselen also stated that the rise of the university will be a versatile advantage for the whole country especially for Lefke and Güzelyurt, and he underlined that these outcomes which emerged as a result of trust in EUL are satisfying.
With 76 new departments, EUL became the preferred address for students in the last four years
EUL, which will start 2017-2018 academic year with 10 new programs, will increase the number of programs to 134 which was 58 in 2013. The new departments that will give education for the first time in the 2017-2018 academic year are as follows: Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education: Science Teaching, Mathematics Teaching for Primary Schools, Social Studies Teaching, and Turkish Language Teaching, Faculty of Architecture: Graphic Design, Faculty of Health Sciences: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, School of Physical Education and Sports: Physical Education and Sports Teaching, and Recreation, Vocational Healthcare Academy: Pharmacy Services, Social Services.