EUL Psychology Department Faculty Member Direktör made a statement on the “Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women”
The most important factor in preventing violence against women is the awareness of the society.
European University of Lefke (EUL) Psychology Department Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemaliye Direktör made a statement on the occasion of the Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
“Violence is defined as the use of power through threats against another person, self or a society in a way that ends or is likely to result in injury and loss. Violence has many causes. Attitudes towards gender roles, economic crises and psychological problems can be counted among these,” said Direktör, adding that women of all ages, children, the elderly, homeless, refugees, immigrants, including women under the age of 30, girls, adolescent girls, are the most at risk for violence. and ethnic minority groups.
Any behavior towards the arbitrary restriction of their freedom is considered violence against women.
Direktör continued her words as follows; “Women are exposed to violence because they are women. This distinguishes violence against women as gender-based violence from other forms of violence. Violence against women is defined as any behavior that hurts or harms a woman, and that may result in physical, sexual or psychological injuries, and that pressures her in her private life or society, and that arbitrarily restrict her freedoms.
Stating that women unfortunately experience violence in every field, the Direktör said that at home by her father, husband, older brother and even her mother; She stated that she was exposed to verbal, emotional and physical violence at school, at work, in traffic and in social life. Direktör gave the following statements in the continuation of her words; Although we often witness the violence of men against women, the violence of women against women is also quite common. Women inflict violence on women in order to maintain the balance of power in the competitive environment in business life or at home. It is possible to encounter many forms of violence against women, from being beaten on the street because of her dress, to not being chosen as a manager because she is a woman, to being humiliated for being ignorant and unqualified because she is a woman. An example of violence is the humiliation of driving skills by saying “what do you know you are a woman” or “she is definitely a woman” in traffic. All our gender-based behaviors support violence against women. Many behavioral patterns such as colors, toys, jobs are separated by gender. This ensures the continuity of the attitude that women are powerless.
Direktör: Raising women who are heroes of their own lives instead of raising princesses in need of protection is the most important solution to prevent violence.
Emphasizing that the most important factor in preventing violence against women is the awareness of the society, Direktör concluded her statement as follows; Most of the time, violence is considered normal. It is preferable to remain as a spectator. Instead, there is no difference between men and women; It is necessary to realize that this difference emerges with the expectations of the society and to develop attitudes towards gender equality. Raising women who are heroes of their own lives instead of raising princesses in need of protection is the most important solution to prevent violence. Gender-neutral children supported by saying you can do it will stop violence.