EUL Psychology Department discussed “Combating Gender-Based Violence.”

The European University of Lefke, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, organised a conference on “Combating Gender-Based Violence.”. Organised within the scope of “25 November International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women,” the event focused on combating violence against women.
“Workshops were held on dating violence and sexism”
The first day of the event started with the opening speech of Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Afterwards, the first speaker of the event, Lawyer Mine Atlı (Support Association for Women’s Life / KAYAD) made a speech titled “What is North Cyprus Doing to Combat Domestic Violence?”. Following the programme, Sibel Demirpençe, Head of the Community Studies Centre Branch of Nicosia Turkish Municipality, gave a speech titled “LTB Women’s Shelter and the Supports Provided in Combating Violence”. In the afternoon, EUL academicians Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray, Asst. Prof. Dr. Umut Şah and Lecturer, Beliz Köroğlu and Tuğba Yavuz from the Association for Combating Sexual Violence (CŞMD) organised workshops on dating violence, sexual myths and sexism.
On the second day of the event, Sociologist Tuğba Yavuz, Youth Studies Specialist Sociologist from the Association for Combating Sexual Violence (CŞMD), which operates in Turkey, held a speech titled “Support and Struggle Methods Against Dating Violence”. In the afternoon, Dean Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray, EUL academicians Asst. Prof. Dr. Umut Şah, lecturer, Beliz Köroğlu and Asst. Prof. Dr. Doğa Eroğlu Şah held parallel workshops on dating violence, sexual myths and sexism.