EUL ‘Psychology Department Cinema Days’ was organized

“Psychology Department Cinema Days-I” was organized by the Department of Psychology at the European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Three different films related to the field of psychology were screened, and discussion sessions were held after each film under the leadership of academicians who are experts in the subject within the scope of ‘Cinema Days’. Thus, it was aimed for psychology students and related students from other departments at gaining an in-depth perspective on the psychological phenomena discussed in the movies.
Within the scope of the event, the movie “To The Bone”, about the experiences of a person with an eating disorder, was screened and the discussion was held under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan Şehitoğlu Okumuşoğlu.
Secondly, the movie “Like Stars On Earth” was screened and discussed under the leadership of lecturer Dilem Öke. In the film mentioned, deals with the difficulties of a child who is ridiculed by his peers in the school environment because of his differences.
Finally, the movie “The Experiment”, adapted from the Stanford Prison Experiment by psychology professor Philip Zimbardo in 1971, was screened and it was discussed under the leadership of Asst. Prof. Dr Umut Şah.