EUL Psychology Club organized an awareness exhibition

An awareness event themed “Psychology, War and Humanity” was organized by the Psychology Club affiliated to the European University of Lefke (EUL) Social and Cultural Activities Center.
One of the advisors responsible for the social responsibility projects of the club, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan Okumuşoğlu gave information about the awareness activity carried out by the Psychology Club and stated that the event was organized as a social responsibility project by the Psychology Club with the support of the Social and Cultural Activities Center, and the awareness activity with the theme “Psychology, War, and Humanity” was held in an interactive exhibition style.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan Okumuşoğlu stated that all Psychology Club members, especially the Psychology Club President and Psychology student Tarık Özkızılbulut, worked hard for the aforementioned event, and that the activity was held in the EUL Plaza Area as an all-day event. Stating that the students of the Psychology Club displayed the posters and writings they prepared for the awareness exhibition on the boards and informed the visitors, Okumuşoğlu said that various articles and quotes they compiled about the effects of war on human psychology were exhibited throughout the day. In addition, Okumuşoğlu stated that all participants who come to watch and volunteer are given the chance to write their own sentences with the theme of “Psychology, War, Peace and Humanity” and post them on the board and share.