EUL Nursing Department organised a swearing-in ceremony for graduates

The European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Nursing held a professional oath ceremony for the graduates of the 2023-2024 Academic Year. The deans, faculty members and parents of the students attended the swearing-in ceremony where the graduates took their first steps into the profession.
The swearing-in ceremony started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem, followed by the speeches of Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp, Director of the School of Nursing.
EUL School of Nursing Director Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp stated in her speech: ‘As the European University of Lefke School of Nursing, Department of Nursing, we are excited and honoured to be with you at our Oath Ceremony.
In the speech Demiralp added, ‘EUL continues training nurses who are well-equipped and competent in their field with its unchanging goal. Our graduates make us proud with their professional roles and behaviours at national and international level.’ Demiralp concluded the speech by adding, ’I would like to express my respect and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, the Rector of the European University of Lefke, who has never withheld his support and help from us by providing all the facilities of our university, and I would like to thank all academic and administrative staff.
The EUL School of Nursing Oath Ceremony Programme ended with the students reciting the Nursing Oath, which is unique to their departments, in the presence of the Department Heads.