EUL School of Nursing organised a swearing-in ceremony for graduates

The European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Nursing held a professional oath ceremony for the graduates of the 2022-2023 Academic Year. EUL Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Akın Cellatoğlu, deans, faculty members and student parents attended the oath ceremony where the graduates took their first steps into the profession.
The Oath Ceremony started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem, followed by the speeches of Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp, Director of the School of Nursing.
EUL School of Nursing Director Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp stated in her speech: “As the European University of Lefke School of Nursing, Department of Nursing, we are excited and proud to be with you at our Oath Ceremony. The Nursing Oath was first created by Lystra Gretter in 1893 and has been recited by nurses at graduation ceremonies since then. Nurses promise to practice their profession honourably within the framework of ethical rules with this oath” and addressed the students and added: “As well-equipped graduates of the European University of Lefke, I firmly believe that you will provide the best care to your patients and achieve significant successes by showing a humanistic approach in the light of science and ethics”.
In Demiralp’s speech, she reminded the words of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, “The most true guide in life is science, science is the most true guide; to seek guidance other than science and science is heedlessness, misguidance, ignorance” and wished her students “Let science be your guide and ethical values be your light on the path you walk… I trust each of you, I am proud of you, may your path be clear…”. Demiralp concluded her speech by adding, “I would like to express my respect and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, the Rector of the European University of Lefke, who has never withheld his support and help from us by providing all the facilities of our university, and I would like to thank all the academic and administrative staff.”
The EUL School of Nursing Oath Ceremony Programme ended with the students reciting the Nursing Oath in Turkish and English, which is unique to their departments, accompanied by the Department Heads Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maral Kargın and Asst. Prof. Dr. Mine Bahçeci.