EUL noted on the use of rational drugs during the Senior Citizens Week

European University of Lefke (EUL) Health Services Vocational School held a conference on March 18-24 for the “Support for Geriatric Living” at Pioneer Women Association of Lefke and its Region in the cause of Senior Citizens’ Week.
The students of The Elderly Care, Domestic Care, Handicapped Care and Rehabilitation departments under the Health Services Vocational School have organized the conference with the leadership of Dr. Fatma Ekenoğlu, Nurse Enver Bozkurt and Assist. Prof. Dr. Meltem Uçar.
Ekenoğlu gave information about the things to be careful about in order to be able to live a quality geriatric life. Ekenoğlu emphasized the importance of chronic and contagious diseases that need to be protected, the body exercises to be done, the nutritional habits to be earned and the use of rational drugs. Bozkurt provided general information about diabetes, global and medical importance of diabetes, diabetes indication, ways of protection and complications.
In addition, the blood glucose level (blood sugar) and blood pressure of the elderly were measured. Uçar presented flowers to the President of Pioneer Women Association of Lefke and its Region Suziye Zafer for her leadership and the opportunity for EUL academicians and students for informing the elderly.