EUL Member of Faculty Yiğit represented EUL at the “10th Congress of Health and Hospital Administration”

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty Member of Health Sciences, Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Çetin Yiğit, has represented EUL at the “10th Congress of Health and Hospital Administration”, organized by Başkent University.
Yiğit stated that the purpose of this report- prepared together with Spec. Murat Açıkgöz and Dr. Yiğit Aras Yiğit-; “Investigation of the Effects of Customer Care in Health Care Marketing: Public / Private Health Institution Comparison in Mersin”, is to determine the level of commitment of health care providers to the services they receive, and commitment is also a measure of the importance of marketing practices and to comparing the results achieved.
Yiğit: There is insufficient explanatory data revealing the commitment status of the health care institution where the patients are being served
Yiğit, said that the healthcare provider’s commitment to the services they receive is examined in six dimensions. Yiğit stated that the contribution of this study to the field is important in this respect and that the definition of satisfaction may be the reason for the preference of the health institution and the reason for its commitment as there is not enough explanatory data that reveal the adherence to the health care institution where the patients are being served.
Yiğit took note of some recommendations within the scope of the results obtained through conducting the research. Yiğit stated that these proposals were summarized as follows; Attention to patient expectations, the development of public relations in health institutions and the provision of appropriate health services, increasing the patient satisfaction by providing in-service training on the health of the health personnel working in the health institutions, providing quality and efficient health services in accordance with patient expectations so that patients are satisfied with the service provided and patients do not prefer other health institutions, the provision of health care services to more patients by the health institution using marketing techniques.
Yiğit: Factors affecting job satisfaction negatively, dissatisfaction with the salary paid for the work done and lack of promotion at work
Yiğit explained the purpose of the study entitled “Job Satisfaction of Healthcare Workers: Public and Private Hospitals” as determining the job satisfaction of public and private hospital workers, examining the relationship with socio-demographic variables and comparing the data obtained from two hospitals. The reason for the selection of the study is to determine, the level of job satisfaction of health care workers and the factors by which job satisfaction is affected, “Research on job satisfaction has been conducted only in public or private hospitals, and it is thus holds much more importance as no research was ever conducted in sense of the comparativeness of two hospitals,” Yiğit said. It was found that the sample group participating in the research was within the normal distribution limit according to the socio-demographic factors; in this research on health occupations, the factors negatively affecting job satisfaction are; dissatisfaction with the fee paid for the work done, lack of promotion at work, and that the persons do not have the freedom to realize his or her own decisions, and that the most significant job dissatisfaction in both hospitals were the lower salary paid for the amount of work done.