EUL Member of Faculty Günebak emphasized obesity in childhood

European University Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics- Assist. Prof. Dr. Ç. Tuba Günebak emphasized obesity in childhood and stated that the number of obese children in developed countries is increasing day by day.
Günebak stated that obesity was observed more frequently in girls than boys in childhood and that 7 out of every 10 obese children were found to be obese during adulthood. They defined obesity or mild obesity as the ratio of body fat. Günebak pointed out that obesity observed in childhood can prepare the basis for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, coronary heart diseases, hypertension, osteoarthritis and cancer in later ages. It is a fact that a child is genetic at the beginning of the factors determining obesity tendency, and eating habits, the cultural environment also played an important role in increasing the incidence of obesity in children.
Günebak: The bases of obesity are being established during infancy
Günebak said that the bases of obesity were emerged during infancy and that starting with additional nutrients during infancy, it is also important for the family to form healthy choices of food for the child in a correct order. Günebak stated that her mother’s nutritional preferences during pregnancy and breastfeeding gave her the foundation of the taste buds and that her mother’s smell of nutrients consumed during the mother’s lactation period was found to have passed through the mother. “Baby should not be over-diluted or too diluted with milk, or milk should not be used to dilute the baby,” Günebak said, explaining that baby foods given to the baby in the absence or inadequacy of breast milk were misused.
Günebak: In children the body weight increases between the ages of 5 and 7
Günebak stated that the risk of overweight is 1.5 times higher in children who do not eat breakfast. Günebak stated that eating habits are an important factor affecting the child’s food preferences for familial and family nutrition habits and found that the incidence of obesity in a child was found to increase by 40% in children with obesity and by 80% in children with obese parents.
Günebak said that girls who are three years old and slightly obese are more likely to be obese during adulthood. Günebak pointed out that the increase in body weight in children is between about 5 and 7 years of age and that the formation of the vascular plaque that sets the ground for cardiovascular diseases also starts at 6, that is, the child’s current nutrition can affect the health of future generations.
Günabak: In children who sleep less than eight hours, the risk of obesity increases three-
Günebak stated that factors such as family problems, school failure, negativities in friendship relations can cause the child’s stress to affect the psychological state of the child. Günebak stated that some children under the age of no appetite may be able to observe excessive eating, obese children may become more depressed due to changes in their body image, Therefore, the energy expenditures decreased, food intake increased, and a vicious circle formed.
Günebak said that children are not applied weight loss diets and added; “An obese child should be given a nutritional program in the direction of his needs and characteristics, under the supervision of a nutritionist. The child who receives energy and nutrients as much as he needs will reach the weight he should have in a certain tempo.” Günebak said that the increase in ghrelin level and leptin level due to insomnia is due to the fact that young children are not left unattended to the bed and not moved to the park bed, saying that the obesity risk increased by 3 times in children who sleep less than eight hours and that the shortness of sleep increased the risk of obesity in children.
Günebak emphasized that physical activity in obesity prevention and fighting is important. Günebak said that families prefer activities that they can do at home instead of garden games for their children to protect them from external hazards.
Günebak, as a result stressed that; “Many factors that prepare the ground for the formation of obesity can be controlled”. Günebak stated that “Mother’s smoking during pregnancy, folic acid support before pregnancy, breastfeeding only in the first six months after birth, beginning of supplementary nutrition in proper order in appropriate order of quality of nutrition consultant after 6th month, breastfeeding until the age of two to increase awareness of nutrition in the home environment by increasing the child’s awareness of nutrition, to raise the awareness of the nutrition awareness of the family and to increase the awareness of the nutrition of the family, to provide the opportunity and environment for the child to perform physical activity, to limit the television and the sleeping time at the computer; when the child is provided with a role model to control the body weight and the child in an effort and desire for healthy, adequate and balanced nutrition, the key to protecting against obesity in the short term will be eliminated. “